Entries Tagged 'Random thoughts' ↓

Season change

Hmmm, not sure if change in season, end of financial year, big work milestone met, cold day or what but I feel ready to scream and stamp my foot in manner of stubborn ewe. Work isn’t particularly stressful so not sure what it is. Might need a break.

Rough weather

Struth, I know the weather guy on 3 is trying to be hip cool but really, what kind of English is “…there ain’t a lot of change …” and “…getter gooder…” Definitely not cool.


Bum. XRO just dipped near lowest ever to 0.67 – don’t know why I look. The novelty of being involved I suppose.

Scarpetta paperback

Just heard from Jiff all the way over in Hawaii that the latest Patricia Cornwell novel Scarpetta isn’t out in paperback there until later this year – so no nice-smelling American book for me this trip.


Damn, my eye twitch is back. More sleep? More coffee? More holiday?


There’s lots of graffiti around at the moment. When I looked out the window this morning at breakfast time I saw new tags way up on the sides of buildings, reached by being on the roofs of lower buildings, and all over air conditioning ducts and units on top of the lower buildings.

25 February 2004

5 years ago to the day since I helped carry my best friend to her final resting place. 5. Years. Without even consciously thinking about it I have fairly sad patches in January and February every year and this is why. I always thought it was NewYearitis but I think the vivid memories are the more likely culprit.

I miss you Leeann.

Service car

Audi should drop you off at work in some car you might want to upgrade to, not an old model service car.

Jury ramble

Can’t remember where I read this but I was surprised to learn that 67% of people called to do jury service get excused – I assume this isn’t because they’re calling a load of ‘duds’ (I don’t mean this as derogatory, I mean people automatically excused because of mental, physical or proximity reasons) but that people are actually writing in to get excused.

Long time readers of my blog will know my history with jury service … how can the same person get called 3 times in 18 months?… hence my interest in the behaviour of others when it comes to the summons.

So, looking at it in reverse, this means that peoples’ futures that are decided at the hand of a jury are in the hands of 33% of potential jurors. Does this mean that the jury is actually pretty skewed/screwed because with such a low percentage of people that go on jury service that they must all be a certain type of people? Perhaps people who can’t get out of it – majority of these would probably be public servants and by in large they are certain type of people; perhaps people who want to do jury service – likely people who are particularly staunch about their civic responsibilities or; people from the list of people who haven’t tried to get excused hence me being called 3 times in 18 months! Not really a point here, just a ramble.

Election results

It’s not that I’m a political fanatic, nor particularly interested in the election results rolling out of the booths tonight … I’m just stuck here at work in front of my computer for the OHMYGOD 6th night running – YIKES. We’ve got a big release tomorrow and having given up the first part of the 15 days I needed to do my work for it to help out my new staff member I was left with 8 days in which to get it done. I couldn’t just leave her sitting there could I? And I couldn’t NOT do the fully effort like I normally do. And I had to get her up to speed enough to help me out this week, which she has done which is FANTASTIC but I still have lots of loose ends to finish. I think I’ve been surviving on about 6 hours sleep a night, and fitful sleeps at that, but have been getting quite a bit done from 8pm – 11 or 12pm after going home for a couple of hours each everning for some dinner. Sometimes I get a bit scared that I won’t be able to go back to concentrating in an office full of people during the day after treating myself to quiet nights. My eyes are beginning to develop quite large bags under them so I can’t wait for tomorrow to be over. So, polling booths have been closed for an hour 40 and we’re at National 48.7% and Labour 31.2% with what looks like (on the bar graph on stuff.co.nz) about a quarter counted.