Project 365 2010

In 2010 I decided to take at least one photo every single day. It was an idea I saw on Twitter at the end of 2009 and seeing as I take a few photos I thought it would be quite fun and not too much of an addition to my day. I didn’t make the project about becoming a better photographer, I just made it about taking photos of things I saw, things I thought, sometimes interesting things, fantastic sights or memories of that day. Some days I took loads of photos, especially when we were in New York for 4 months and on those days it was really hard to distill it down to the one photo of the day.

Here are all 365 photos for 2010 in a set on Flickr – take a browse, some fantastic photos.

And now I present one Project 365 photo for each month – these were really hard to pick and the look back through 2010 was quite hard – I still can’t look at the New York photos without a heavy heart! So the photos below don’t necessarily represent the highlight of the month, they’re just our pick of great or interesting photos from those taken that month, almost a random sample – some months just too many great photos to choose from. Enjoy.

(By the way, camera is a compact Canon Powershot SD1400 IS, orange, that we got in New York.)

January – clouds & fog over Wellington harbour.

26 - 26 January 2010

February – my sisters-in-law at the beach house on a day when the whole family was together for a professional photographer.

51 - 20 February 2010

March – early on in the season for ‘eating in’ at Shake Shack; we sat next to this couple who we reckoned were on a first date. This just captures the essence of the place.

78 - 19 March 2010

April – a crisp evening at one of our favourite restaurants Morells at Rockefeller Plaza when Mother & Father-in-law came to stay.

95 - 5 April 2010

May – Park Avenue on the way to work every day.

144 - 24 May 2010

June – one of 2 times we walked from top to bottom of Central Park, this one after the Museum Festival when 5th Ave was closed for a mile & all museums offered free entry for one night.

159 - 8 June 2010

July – chilly times back in Wellington but spirits were high on this day for the All Whites ticker tape parade upon their return from the world cup.

202 - 21 July 2010

August – Aidan now has the hang of his bike & this is one of the rare moments he stood still & didn’t produce a goofy smile when he saw the camera.

234 - 22 August 2010

September – one of a couple of gorgeous spring days in Wellington after a horrid wet winter, & hundreds of photos of the harbour were tweeted.

265 - 22 September 2010

October – Mother, Father & Niece spent the night after their south island road trip in the school holidays. She’s growing up.

280 - 7 October 2010

November – first trip to Sydney in a while for a wonderful long weekend with Sara & Lucy.

310 - 6 November 2010

December – the clove studded pear we made from the Martha Stewart ‘Living’ magazine I got for Christmas. Took pride of place on the Christmas table & lasted a couple of weeks.

359 - 25 December 2010

Midland Park spruced up

The Mister walked through Midland Park the other day and grumbled that it had been cordoned off for ages for a revamp but it didn’t look any different. Hmm, I was there today and it has new seats! With pigeon-poo covers to protect you from the birds in the trees above. Eeuuuuw they’re going to look pretty grubby soon from roosting birds.

339 - 6 December 2010

Xero to 4

Had a birthday morning tea this morning with the 3 of us that started at Xero together 4 years ago – it was a great idea and great to catch up with people you don’t normally get to see – especially Larissa as she’s in sales and is normally travelling around the South Island. I note I didn’t do a Xero to  post year but in the 1st 2 years I wished that the next year we’d be in the New York office – and that happened this year! Well, briefly. I’m hoping that’s what next year has in store for us again πŸ™‚ Happy Xero Birthday Jiff & Larissa!

Xero birthday

Xmas tree time lapse

Simon brought a grow-your-own-Xmas-tree into work today – the first time he had one I was very taken with it! Didn’t realise that was 3 years ago. This year’s was a bit bigger and I set up my camera to take regular photos of it to make a time lapse seeing as we now sit opposite each other.

The photos weren’t taken very regularly and despite the bluetac holding the camera in place I still didn’t get the tree in the same place each time!

328 - 25 November 2010

However, The Mister managed to make a time lapse video out of it with sound track and it makes me laugh!

Supreme Woodward art installation

Remember a while back when Supreme opened their revamped Woodward Street store I went down and took a bunch of photos and commented on the little ‘exhibition’ space in the brick wall? Well the minute I saw that space I knew what I wanted to take to put there one day – and that day came last week when our Supreme Friend tweeted that he was looking for something new to put in the space.

I rushed down there with the treasure that I knew I wanted to display – just on loan – my New York prism!

Supreme WW art installation

Supreme WW art installation

Oh how easily the little Vespa model was cast aside so I could ‘install’ my treasure. We discussed all sorts of lighting and signage options but for now, one of my orange cards serves as the art credit. Feel very famous!

Supreme WW art installation

21 November 2005 10.20am #5

Awwww the happy couple have made it to 5 years married πŸ™‚ The 10.20 coffee tradition took us to Gotham for breakfast and we had bagels.

324 - 21 November 2010

Here we are 5 years ago, newly wed in New York.


How does your garden grow?

Well this year ours is growing something for free! This abandoned pot on the deck has had a little shrub and friends spring up in the last 10 days or so – a hebe I believe Mother? (Please don’t tell me it’s a weed.) A native New Zealand shrub. Have watered it and talked to it to tell it that it’s welcome to grow and stay if it likes so we’ll see how we get on. I suspect it’s a seed blown over from the neighbours so hopefully they won’t claim it back if it grows into a handsome shrub!

New plants

Fun with stickers

I’m not really a sticker person. Or an ornament person. Or newspaper, foreign food, party, bike, risk, phone, boat, music, candy … errr, I digress … aaaaaanyway … when we said bye to the guys at Saturdays Surf, Josh gave me a bunch of their stickers. Which I loved, but had no idea what to do with. I thought for a fleeting second that I might put one on my white MacBook … but really secretly wanted to stick them up around Wellington and take photos of them to send back to the Saturdays guys. But it seems that our poles and bins and signs are sticker-free so either people don’t think to go around defacing with stickers (find that hard to believe given the defacing graffiti that’s all over the city at the moment) or the council removes them pretty quickly. I guess the latter is likely, which probably means it’s illegal – ‘defacing public property’ or some such.

But being the rebel that I am (*cough*) I’m braving the world of trouble that awaits and stuck a sticker today! I probably shouldn’t be bragging about it on my blog and posting a photo of it, but I love the photo!

Surf NYC revolution

I know the sticker isn’t going to last long but it was worth it for the face-cracking smile it gave me (which was in response to seeing the sticker and remembering the pole outside Saturdays in Crosby Street and not that I’d just been very naughty and probably broken the law … honest)!

174 - 23 June 2010

Getting some fresh air

Got out onto a beach on the Kapiti coast yesterday – not in celebration of summer coming or anything (it’s not really yet) just to breathe some fresh air. It was chilly and nice to be in a big wide space for a while … although one guy was there sitting on a log with his laptop so we didn’t completely escape things we normally see every day!

I tried to get an arty shot of Kapiti from ground-ish level for Project 365

Photographer at work!

But when The Mister drew in the sand

Sand heart

I liked the look of this as today’s photo and memory … awwwww πŸ™‚

302 - 30 October 2010

Oh, the Kapiti photos were cool. And very blue.

Kapiti Island

On my way to work I saw …

The photo I took for Project 365 today (number 300 it turns out!) was of a small bunch of flowers stuck in a park bench on Lambton Quay … one of those hand-picked bunches with a bit of tinfoil around the end, probably stuffed with a wet tissue like kids often do. It wasn’t exactly abandoned but you had to wonder about it’s story. Was it an unwanted/embarrassing gift that someone stuffed between the slats after putting their bag on the bench and ratting through it for something hoping no-one would notice the disguised opportunity to ‘nicely’ ditch the flowers; was it an attempt along the same lines as the Outdoor Knitters to beautify the city on a sunny morning; or perhaps a social experiment by someone to see who noticed it there and stopped to take a photo … ?

300 - 28 October 2010