More laughs

Went to another Comedy Festival gig last night – Jimeoin ( He was quite different to Danny Bhoy – not as much of a story teller but more an observer of daily life. You can’t help but laugh when someone is talking about stuff so obvious, that you probably do yourself without realising it. I probably didn’t enjoy this style as much as Danny Bhoy – while some of my laughter was bigger and more uncontrollable there were also big patches where I didn’t laugh at all and began to tire of his jumping around and not joining up unfinished stories from earlier. Some of the every day things he talked about were:

  • locating the kettle in a motel and unwinding the cord
  • the chores than men do, which have a clear start and end (like putting out the rubbish) while the chores women do just go on and on and are never-ending (like the washing)
  • how people stand in a queue at the money machine
  • the poses men and women take when coming out of the bathroom at a pub
  • eye gestures that couples make to each other when at each other’s work do’s and one of them wants to go home


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