My knitting is famous in Manchester!

A while ago, after knitting my tree cosy in the Cuba Street Carnival, I saw on the Outdoor Knit blog that knitters were being called on to help create a knitted ‘installation’ called Yarn Forward at the Manchester (England) Craft & Design Centre. So I followed the instructions and sent over a knitted orange strip of the required size.

I’ve been following their blog for a while and have seen pictures of where the strips end up – they’re being sewn end to end around the balcony railing in the Manchester Craft & Design Centre – but when I posted mine off I never thought in the hundred’s that they’ve been receiving that they would name me and my strip and put a photo on their blog! But they did!! Am delirious with excitement. Over a bit of knitting. Sad I know!

So here’s the Yarn Forward’s blog post

And the photo of my orange moss stitch strip!

1 comment so far ↓

#1 penny on 05.27.09 at 9:38 am

That’s fantastic. Pity it’s not in N.Y. and you could have gone and seen it. So much more high brow tham Cuba Mall. M.I.L

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