Xero to 5

Can’t believe another year at Xero has rolled around – 4th December, my Xero anniversary – longest time I’ve worked in one place! Last year Jif & Larissa & I had morning tea together.

This year I made cupcakes for the office – my first cupcake baking experience here (they went down well with the office buddies, several of whom were Vend boys visiting from New Zealand who couldn’t resist Edmond’s banana cake in cupcake form) and I baked them in Santa Claus cupcake papers I’d been saving for a special occasion. I made The Mister stop work and have morning tea with me.

Xero 5 year cupcakes

I was very surprised the next day to come out of a meeting to find a pink box on my desk, filled with mini cupcakes with orange frosting arranged by my boss in New Zealand – so lovely!

Xero 5 year cupcakes

And finally, 5 years on with Xero and one of my dreams to be moved to an overseas post has come true! Very humbling to be trusted with such a core move for the company as we set about building a US team and breaking into such a big market. It’s pretty cool working here – I don’t get out of the office much (well, except for that rash of conferences in November) but with the 101 (freeway) just out the window and all the tech companies around San Francisco it certainly feels like we’re at the start of something big. It is strange not being in the Wellington office with all the people we’ve come to know over the last 5 years but we’re all so connected online and my job hasn’t really changed that much, that it just feels like carrying on as normal.

Now then, I wonder where I’ll be this time next year? New York perhaps?


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