
So, this is what band practice is all about – Rocktober on 1 October. There’s an invite-only launch party at 7.30pm, then the main event at 10.30pm. Launch party features The Mister’s band, main event features DJ’s. All loud banging crashing rock music!


Check out the Rocktober websiste for ticket details. If you want to go:

  • Get a ticket
  • Get your name on the invite-only guest list either by emailing the organiser (tell him I sent you) or adding your name to their guest list in Facebook.
  • Get a black t-shirt and some ear plugs.


#1 Band practice — OrangeBlog on 09.24.10 at 6:58 pm

[…] rather excited on the way home today to see Rocktober posters pasted up on the poster poles in Cuba Mall – not long now until 1 […]

#2 Rock on! — OrangeBlog on 10.02.10 at 6:01 pm

[…] screaming in my ear muffs, swooning at the drummer in Golden Axes making their debut performance at Rocktober last night! Wow – not my kind of thing but a great night. The Mister is SO talented – […]

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