House with an orange roof

There’s a house with an orange roof that we always look at out our window. It looks like it’s on top of the world and I bet has a great view. One day we even drove all around Kelburn to see if we could find exactly where it was and see if it was really as big as it looks on the skyline – it’s on Central Terrace and yes it is.

However, over the last couple of days, the framework for a new building at the university that to date has only had a couple of floors on it, has had some huge vertical beams join it. So it looks like the university is getting yet another new building to blot our quite green landscape.

Kind of hard to see in this photo but the new thing is going to obscure our house with an orange roof!

1 comment so far ↓

#1 No more orange roof — OrangeBlog on 08.02.09 at 6:52 pm

[…] last couple of months the building at the uinversity that’s being built up in front of the house with the orange roof is beginning to look like a real building. Glass panels are going up on the front of it and we can […]

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