Well it’s done. ER. I’ve just watched the final of the show. I was in tears by the end of the opening credits! Several years ago they swapped the original green credits with theme music and montage of actors for much quicker blue credits which only had a couple of bars of the theme and no pictures – for the final they brought back the original theme music and used a mix of old and new actors to reproduce the original credits. For die hard fans this was such an amazing trip. The final show was great. People all saying goodbye in ways befitting the story, a few things left unfinished but you were left imagining nothing but a good outcome and the lights went down on a huge trauma involving everyone running about and loads of ambulances, business as usual which is how it had to be. And a nice reversal of Dr Carter and ‘Dr’ Greene. I thought the last scene that faded to black was perfect – I don’t think in the entire series we’ve ever seen the hospital in location – the ambulance bay, entrance, hospital sign, L running around the front and Chicago buildings behind. God I can’t believe I’ve been hooked on the show for 15 years.
End of ER
April 14th, 2009 | What I've been doing
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