Walking along the road I saw

I’m known for noticing things when out and about, walking to work on a familiar route or some road untravelled. The Mister never notices things – big brain, big important grown-up knowledge, compared to my tiny brain, tiny details, throw-away knowledge … Usually I see quite random things like a tiny bunch of dried flowers tied to a park bench, a dead weta, part of a belt, an orange scooter (not so random and pretty obvious) and of course there’s the famous potato siting.

And then today on an autumn day with only a slight chill in the air I spotted a pair of ice skates locked to the bar with the bikes on Victoria Street. Hardly the day for such wintry footwear. And surely it’s never *actually* cold enough in Wellington (despite southerly windchill) to get around town on a pair of ice skates? Actually don’t even know where you can skate around here?

Ice skates

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Lucy on 04.09.11 at 8:44 pm

But how appealing is the thought of gliding to work on skates! Get colder Wellingtron!

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