A knitalong for Xero knitting #11

Apparently I’m somewhat of a ‘senior’ knitter among those who knit at Xero, and I think they mean senior in terms of experience and advancement, not age! However, 2 colleagues wanted to knit baby things so using a pattern one of them had found we’re all knitting it together. Well, kind of.

I was up in Awakeri on the agreed start date, so posted my start via photo on Twitter and coined the hashtag #knitalong

Started knitalong

Last week we had a knitalong at work.

Knitalong meetup

We’re all making different sizes and the smallest one is progressing the fastest – as you’d expect – however with all those coloured ends Miss Connolly will be sewing them in for a while giving Mrs H and I time to catch up.

Knitalong progress meetup

The pattern is a hooded jacket and I’m doing it in Xero colours for one of our accounting partners in Wellington – other than the time I knitted for our Company Secretary, this is the first time I’ve done Xero knitting for someone who’s not staff.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Xero knitting #11 — OrangeBlog on 05.16.11 at 10:40 am

[…] last project has been part of a knitalong – working on it a while as I’ve paced myself to keep in sync with the group (almost […]

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