Tall building

Using my best blending in skills based on every who dunnit/detective show I went into the foyer of the Majestic Tower this week, curious to see how many floors it had. Seeing as we’re seriously considering New York apartment on the 29th floor I wanted to get a feel for how high that might be – but finding a 29+ storey building in Wellington is not that easy – there’s a couple that might stretch that far – Majestic and the what used to be pinky/orange Plimmer Towers.

So have done the Majestic. I got a looking straight-up photo from the foyer and summoned the lift – didn’t get in it the first time as a guy suddenly arrived so I pretended I was very busy and important with my phone to avoid getting in the lift with him, but when summoned a second time, I rushed in, noted the button for the highest floor and rushed out again before the doors could close.

28 floors.


#1 Westpac — OrangeBlog on 12.11.09 at 12:26 pm

[…] pretty tall from the outside, obviously couldn’t get into the lifts as it’s in the office block […]

#2 Short Dark Friend on 12.11.09 at 5:27 pm

OG, I used to work on the 22nd Floor. Was rather high up and horrible when walking down the stairs during a fire drill…

#3 Plimmer Towers — OrangeBlog on 12.13.09 at 5:12 pm

[…] – the tall building research in Wellington continues even at the weekend – yesterday it was the Plimmer Towers. Although […]

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