Willis Street demo 3

Hairdresser gossip provides more information about the Willis/Boulcott St demolition … apparently big trucks came one night and took the apartments on stilts away to the Hutt somewhere. The way he tells it, all the furniture and chattels in the apartments were just shrink wrapped/tied down and each apartment was picked up as-lived-in and moved. I’m wondering how they got them onto the motorway from there though – there are tight bends and an underpass to get through … I guess they closed the roads and went the wrong way up the slip road to The Terrace.

17 storeys of Telecom ‘campus’ are going there it seems.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Willis Street demo 4 — OrangeBlog on 11.26.09 at 5:54 pm

[…] the way to work spotted Te Ra Te Ra written in big letters along the building site on Willis St where the new Telecom park is going to be … wonder what it […]

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