Yikes! Went for a walk around the waterfront yesterday and when we went passed Frank Kitts lagoon I thought I saw something flit in the shallow water – thinking it might’ve been the jumping fish I’d see there a couple of years ago I went out on to the little pier thing to have a look. Turned out it was a bird scooping up little fish but when I looked into the water I saw stingrays! 3 of them! Right up close. The first one I was staring at looked dead. It was just sitting there, and I couldn’t understand why they’d be right in town. In the shallows. (Not that I know much about stingrays). A couple of other people noticed them too and a wise looking man said he’d never seen them in this close before. I went around to take a closer look at one of the others and he had his eyes open – was staring at me! There was a bit of a breeze across the lagoon so hard to get clear photos, but you should definitely see they’re stingrays.

(You can see his eyes open in this one, honest!)
Absolutely fantastic photos. I’give up your day job for under water photography. Perhaps they’d come in close to go to the Kirks sale. I hope they had better luck than I had. M.I.L
Yes I’ve long thought the Kirks sale was going a downhill a bit. Back in the day it used to be an exclusive 1-week sale of normal merchandise discounted to make way for the next season and now it seems that they let the sale drag on and on – I think it’s even scheduled to be 4 weeks long this time – and they seem to bring in a lot of cheap (for Kirks) stuff as if it’s just an excuse for a sale. I had a wander through and was very disappointed.
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