Thanksgiving #3

Well folks, it’s that time of year again – we’re cooking up a Thanksgiving Dinner today for our urban family. We’re doing it this weekend because we’re off to the States on Thursday – YAAAYYY. This year we’re cooking for 11, biggest number yet, and are missing our trustee photographer and chopper and general slave Dan … she’ll almost be tucked up in bed in San Francisco, only 4 sleeps to go until we get there!

Anyway, here’s our own attempt at a self-timered photo documentary:

Started yesterday with 2 dozen Christmas fruit mince pies (homemade, Jiff),

And this afternoon (this morning was taken up with making caramelised onions, crostini and the housework).

Eeeeeuw what’s that bit?

Barely fits into the bag (see Jiff, it’s not pre-bagged and pre-stuffed…)

Into the oven, 3 minutes behind schedule 😐

Errrr, feeling a bit tired already

Right, back out to the kitchen. Oh, here’s what we’re having – most of it a repeat of previous years but it always goes down well.

Thanksgiving Dinner 2008

Toasted Le Moulin baguette with:
Cream cheese & caramelised onions

Roast turkey with wild rice & cranberry stuffing
Kumara & orange gratin

Apple pie & cream
Christmas fruit mince pie


#1 Short dark friend on 11.16.08 at 4:23 am

Yummmmmm cant wait!

#2 Jif on 11.16.08 at 4:27 am


all of that looks so tasty it MUST have come out of a box!! I’ll just have to wait and see tonight!! *drool*

#3 Short dark friend on 11.16.08 at 10:16 am

It was soooooo tasty. Tummy is very full…. Thanks Missy and Mister for a lovely time.

#4 M.I.L on 11.16.08 at 8:15 pm

REally lovely company even if we there as the oldies to give a bit of decotum. Didn,t realise the turkey was so big. Look forward to next year. M.I.L

#5 M.I.L on 11.16.08 at 8:18 pm

Sorry should have spellchecked or I could use the excuse that F.I.L. makes – "my fingers are too big!" M.I.L

#6 Canadian Thanksgiving — OrangeBlog on 10.25.09 at 1:03 pm

[…] sit where you can approach. Here are last year’s photos for a trip down memory lane – prep time and dinner […]

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