We were on tv!

Well the backs of our heads were. We went to the filming of the TVNZ 7 debate between politicians on ICT issues in the lead up to the election last night. All very grown up indeed! I followed most of it and the debaters were quite funny – esp Rodney Hide, Maurice Williamson and David Cunliffe – they’d all done their research and dug up stories to support their views on broadband, access, Cook Straight cable, data privacy etc.

It was hell of a fun seeing how a TV programme is made too! There were ancient old CRT boxes around the place showing what was running live and you could see in the studio all the different cameras filming at once with the one with the red light being the one broadcast live. When they did a wide shot you could see the back of my hair – Mother spotted it too! It was quite bronzy looking. Whenever there were ad breaks women came scurrying from the wings with little baskets of make-up and any shine powder puffs and drinks of water. Just like the movies!

We weren’t allowed cellphones on at all in the studio but I managed to sneak this photo between the heads of the 2 people sitting in front of us.


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