Was quite amused by this line-up of seagulls on the waterfront this afternoon. They wouldn’t quite line up as straight and uniform as when I first saw them for their photo to be taken but close enough.

It was just roasting today and there were loads of people around eating ice-creams and swimming.
On the way home we had to perform a bit of first aid on the Mister’s toe. Recently I’d begun to think I was perhaps a bit too anal and well prepared when a power cut in our building brought us face to face with the blackest hole of a stairwell we’d ever seen when out of my handbag I produced a torch. Ha! Knew there was a reason for it to be in there. And a similar situation arose again – since the Mister has started carrying a Freitag I’ve snuck a few things in there so I don’t have to lug a handbag around at the weekend and today when he stubbed the top of his toe right off and it was gushing blood all over the footpath (well that’s how he tells the story) I was able to produce some tissues to mop up his toe and a couple of bandaids. It was like proper family outing!!
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