So, there’s been a bit of talk about how as New Zealander’s we exhibit our patriotism on Waitangi Day (6 February – the day in 1840 when a treaty was signed between Maori and the English settlers to co-exist peacefully in the same country (v. abridged obviously)). So, what did we do today? Well, we did what I suppose a lot of Kiwi’s do when they have a day off work – got busy with stuff that needed to be done around the house … or are Kiwis generally pretty OK with laying about reading a book or enjoying pavlova and ice-cream and it’s just *my* family that has conditioned me to make the most of a day at home …? I’m not sure the stuff we did was particularly NZ’y but we certainly got a few things done around the house:
- Housework, including Exit Moulding the grouting in the shower
- Baked raspberry and chocolate muffins
- Caught up on all the accounts and paid bills (needed a fair bit of a day off to do this given that I’ve swapped to a Mac program to do this and knowing as we do how much I like change, I’m still trying to get through what used to be a simple exercise without shouting about something)
- Did the filing that follows doing the accounts
- Had a picnic lunch on the sunny square of carpet in our apartment
- Affixed the outside sensor for the weather station to the balcony railing
- Did a load of washing
- Did a few small work jobs
- Transferred all the data off my old PC laptop onto my Mac
- Wore our Obama and Clinton shirts all day and watched the Super Tuesday results in any spare moment.

1 comment so far ↓
love the shirts! you’re more patriotic than me! you’re wearing the democratic tickets me thinks
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