Wore my Obama ’08 shirt out and about today. Got a couple of stares and a couple of comments. At Nikau I was told it was a ‘nice shirt’. At Borders the girl serving asked if it was a pro Obama shirt. I always try to imagine I’m in the States when I go into Borders so it was great that the girl there got into a conversation with me about it. Although she did tell me about a woman she served the other day with a Vote Hillary badge that she wasn’t too pleased to see in a way that made me think that she thought they were on opposite sides!

Anyway, since being given the t-shirt for Christmas I thought I should find out a bit about the guy so cruised around the website and signed up for email updates on his campaign … thought I’d get news as he won various States. Instead out of the 9 emails I’ve received (one about winning a State) only one hasn’t asked me to make a donation! It’s a full on sales job, feels quite preachy and all. The whole election thing is so different here. However, I’m wearing my t-shirt around – call it a donation of support!
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