Tomato & ricotta tartletts

Mother is always producing ‘savouries’ for visitors and especially The Mister. There’s always some just baked, or some in the freezer to easily heat up for unexpected visitors. The Mister has asked a couple of times if we can have savouries … of all the traits I inherited from my parents, the lack of a constant supply of savouries clearly disappoints him!

So, on the recent visit north I wrote out a recipe. And low and behold, we had an unexpected visitor this evening (well, not really, but I had to whip something up for dinner) so I decided to impress The Mister by having some savouries on hand.

I made a selection, some without tomatoes (the visitor was our Short Dark Friend and she doesn’t like tomatoes), some with spring onions (instead of tomatoes) and some without herbs (she can also be a bit funny about those occasionally). They turned out great! I tried fanbake, because Mother uses it, and it was a huge success! All savouries eaten 🙂

How lucky was it to have cherry tomatoes, ricotta, cream, herbs and spring onions in the fridge?!

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Short Dark Friend on 01.22.08 at 9:47 am

They were extremely tasty…. and very healthy!!!!

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