Food fav’s from the States

This is a pretty small list but some of the things I found in the supermarket in Washington that I wish we had here are:

  • Graham crackers – a must for baked cheesecake.

  • Granola – just like crumbled up bikkies but because it’s a cereal it *must* be healthy.

  • Sticks of butter – fantastic – looks like a regular pound-of-butter but when you open it it’s individually wrapped quarters. Each about 125g – loads of my recipes call for 125g butter! Just perfect.

  • White asparagus – seems so exotic to be in a supermarket anywhere other than Europe.

  • Berries, berries and more berries – it was the middle of winter and I was wondering how I could make a Christmas trifle with fresh berries – there’s more of a selection than here in the middle of summer despite the season!


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