Fuel groupies

Got a summons from Fuel today – they were doing a photo shoot for a profile they’re doing and needed some models customers. Me and my oldest Fuel friend gladly obliged – he knew about the free coffees on offer – I just went bolstered that they needed *my* help with something.

Got a free coffee and stood around chatting (whilst being prodded to stand this way and that) to some other regulars from other sites who I’d never met – in the small town that Wellington is they both turned out to be ex-colleagues/bosses of people I now work with!

When it was all over there was much hand-shaking and we were laden down with goodies handed out by Sanjay himself – tonnes of free coffee vouchers, as much of the catered lunch (food props) as we could carry and a bag of beans! Yeah boy!!

So, who know, maybe I’ll be on a billboard around town somewhere … or perhaps a small shot on their website!


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