My own orange book

It’s been an orange week for me with cars and bags but by far the most exhilarating was receiving all the online help I’ve written for Xero published as a real book. It was quite overwhelming to see all the work I’ve done in something as ‘traditional’ as a book. I know how much work I’ve done, I know how much there is, I’ve seen it all printed out but now that it’s in an actual book it’s kind of hit home. And the reaction I’ve had from others is so uplifting (I’ve been waving it all over the place showing everyone at work, one of our board members I saw in the street and the guys that make the coffee) – everyone is so amazed and so interested and so impressed that I’ve written enough to fill 350 pages – it’s the size of a real book. Someone at work has now had the idea of getting her brother’s blog printed out as a book as a gift for him.

I have to say I am *very* proud of myself 🙂


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