The wind has been pretty frightening today already! I have a punnet of basil plants to plant in the pot on our balcony but they’ve had to stay indoors in their punnet for the last 10 days as it seems so cruel to subject this constant wind.
This morning I saw at the top end of Ghuznee Street a full green recycling bin get picked up by the wind – it was like a cartoon! It was upended in mid air and the contents flung before the bin took off like a tumble weed at an alarming pace down the street. At one point it was racing down the footpath after a woman who had to run this way and that to avoid collision before it then blew onto the road and caused a traffic jam! The poor woman went out to retrieve it and she left it on the footpath but goodness knows where it is now!
And as I type this at work I am gently swaying from side to side as the building rocks with the 90km gusts currently occurring.
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