Monty Log Day 3

Highlights / cute things on Day 3:

  • We’ve found a way to tire him out by standing at the bottom of the stairs and throwing his ball with a bell in it or his bottle cap up the stairs which he tears up after, then chases back down. He lay on the floor puffing for a while after 10 minutes of that!
  • He crawled up the bed for a big pat and cuddle this morning – was 5am GRRR – but we still obliged!

Naughty things on Day 3:

  • Jumped up on the bench when the Mister was making sandwiches.

Favourite toy on Day 3:

  • Still loves the pink mousey mousey.
  • Lots of bathroom games last night though – washing machine and bath tap/plug hole particularly fascinating. He hasn’t quite learnt yet that if you stare up the tap eventually you get dripped on which seems to cause a psychotic episode! He’s just so CUTE!



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