I am somewhat distracted at the moment as what I do was very recently called in to question – not in a bad way – more a realisation that I am probably no longer doing any work that matches my job description. And if I’m not, then what am I doing, and is that work still narrowly focussed on my Group or is it organisation-wide? And I suppose, the hidden question, if I’m not doing what I was hired to do, does the organisation need/want me to do what I’m actually doing now, or am I just doing it because it’s there to do but does not meet core business objectives? There is no question that I am not being useful. And as always my output is thorough and of a high quality.
Interesting questions, interesting times. I don’t feel insecure about any of this. Truth be told I have been asking myself the same questions. If the big ‘R’ came along I wouldn’t be upset because it gives as good a reason as any to find a new job. None of this is official, it was just a couple of questions however I am surprised at how much it’s distracting me – perhaps this means I really *am* insecure. We’ll see.
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